Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fixing Stupid

Our school budget was defeated last night.  With all the political "speak" and rules and mandates and gap eliminations and bullshit (sorry), it was mandatory that our budget for 2014 be passed by a super majority (60%)..Unfortunately, we are a community that has within its voting base, super, stupid uninformed voters.  I know that seems harsh and judgmental and even a bit haughty but our Board of Education, Business Manager and Superintendent did everything possible, short of going door to door for one on one sessions, to explain this budget. Seriously, maybe it isn't possible to fix stupid.  I now realize that even intelligent folks can be stupid... Now there's a real oxyMORON. Even my husband who is keeper of the machines, came home and remarked, "Well a nearly 10% increase in taxes is pretty steep!"  So much for my recliner being a peaceful perch at that moment.  A 9+ % increase in the tax levy DOES NOT MEAN YOUR INDIVIDUAL TAX BILLS WILL INCREASE BY THAT AMOUNT!!!!!!!   Like he's ever even looked at a tax bill in the last.....................forever!!  He's not an idiot! OK, maybe he was for that 3 minutes!  He voted yes and then was passing on what he'd heard at the polls.  Maybe he was jolted by lightening and was short circuited for a few minutes.. That's my story and I'm sticken' to it!

We sure don't want to go to contingency.  Please notice that I've used several we's and our's...We all own this problem.  We get a pretty hefty tax bill and I squeal in September when it arrives... but I also squeal with delight when Bailee dons her newest outfit and we take those "back to school" priceless pictures that begin a new chapter of her life each fall.  I still have the photos of me that Mom took every year on the first day.  It is OUR responsibility to see that each one of those years is filled with the best of everything.....from the best teachers to the best lunches to the\best opportunities. If that doesn't happen, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Stupid is as stupid does!

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