Friday, September 14, 2012

R & R in the RV

Later this morning we're off to Fair Haven..  The weather looks a bit tenuous but it's not like we're

pitching a tent.  It's always a fun week-end with folks we see all the time but rarely get a chance to sit

and visit with.  Baby Leah Leonard will be joining us for a bit of spoiling and  a game of pass the

baby....The Hargetts will set up their outdoor kitchen.... fit for a king and/or a family of 20... They do

it right!  Looking forward to the bonfires... there's nothing more relaxing than a campfire and good

conversation.  Of course, I'll have my Kindle and get to catch up on a little Nora Roberts....Her 3

Montgomery men rebuilding and decorating a new Inn have piqued my interest and made me want to

 visit there....damn fiction!  Bailee will be off to her Dad's for the week-end, Jess is working a

wedding and on chicken duty and we'll be back for kick off on Sunday!  Enjoy your week-end

everybody!!  Fall is in the air:-)

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