Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Happy Wife........

You know the saying.."A happy wife means a happy life!"...well.... true story!!!  It's not always easy but it's doable!  I have 5 husbandly requirements for the Happy Wife-Happy Life to be a reality

  • Happy Kids make a Happy Mom and a Happy Mom makes a Happy Wife.......usually..OK sometimes!
  • Honey-Do lists with all items checked off....make a Happy Wife.....unless of course, I add more items
  • Bills paid make a Happy Wife....unless of course you have your mail delivered daily and are crazy enough to actually go to the post office to retrieve it!
  • Make sure he accomplishes the household and outside chores unless , of course, they're the ones I enjoy doing and then...hands off.... you should know which chores they's a short list!
  • Continue to use your lack of hearing to never engage in an actual argument.  If you don't hear, I promise to begin another again soon!  repeat step's worked for 40 years!

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