Thursday, September 20, 2012

Birds of a Feather

Upon arriving home this morning I happened to look toward the falls at the tiny tinges of golds, oranges and reds beginning to illuminate our backyard.  There on the roof, neatly spaced and sitting at attention, were dozens of mourning doves.  I couldn't decide if they were there serving as feathered lightening rods, a winged security system or maybe just sunning themselves on the EIEIO shingled Riviera. It did mean that our resident hawks weren't around this morning and the eagles must still be near their nests.  When they're nearby, the doves, literally, stay low and hug the house...............or in the house..(it wasn't pretty!) They're singing a lovely tune on this sunny morning...I think it's Ha-Cooooo-na Matata!!!  They all seem pretty content and as of yet are managing their morning constitutional (as my dad used to call it) somewhere beside my lovely architectural shingles. I know in my mind they're just glorified pigeons but they've made EIEIO their home now (or maybe vice versa) and it's nice to see them all gather for a morning chat(ter).  I'm on my way to do exactly the same thing.  Heading to Pumpkin Hill Bistro for a chat and a snack with some of my loveliest gal pals. Hey, we're birds of a feather and today, we're flocking together too!!!

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