Friday, June 29, 2012

On Guard

I now totally understand the saying about the "Fox guarding the Henhouse!"  Not the best idea.  We're down a couple more girls.  I told Lee we really needed to put them in at night and he feared they'd be too warm....instead.. they're too (two) dead!  I'm thinking they'd rather be warm!  So tonight, I guess I will be the keeper of the gate and make sure the remaining 14 girls and 2 boys can safely sleep through the night.  I also think I might put up a trail cam and see just exactly who's been the culprit.  We see no signs of digging so something is able to manage itself through the fence , make the kill and get back out...with the victim.  Some say weasel, some say fox.... I have this burning need to know.  Not so much that I would stay awake but enough to set up the camera. We have a lot of evidence from the scene but the majority of it appears to be from the victim and not the unsub (unknown subject for all you non CSIers). Time will tell!

I was hoping that the two men we recently added to the family would have protected the girls a little better....... I guess they're .......chicken!

                          To our 4 deceased in piece(s)

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