Thursday, June 21, 2012

Look out first grade...

And a celebration it was.....even if I did get fresh batteries for my camera and FORGET the memory card.... Luckily Papa saved the day by sharing his..(which he always keeps handy in his truck in case he needs a photo of a recently killed woodchuck!) The kids did a wonderful job with all their great songs and they were happy to be moving on to first grade. After the celebration, we enjoyed ice cream, "great report card surprises" and then a movie in the H.U.T. where it was cool and comfy (95 outside:-( 
Bailee's report card was wonderful.... All 4's (above average) for her language arts and math and was given awards for Homework completion and Responsibility.  Her teacher remarked that she was "gifted!" and would do well in school.... Whew! We will be working on letting others finish talking before we add our opinions.....I cannot, for the life of me, figure out where this trait might have developed???
We have lots of fun things planned for the summer and I'm sure it will fly by. We're going to spend time in the woods and outside, work on our "101 things to see before I'm 12," build some candy construction, swim, visit Great Grandma, read lots of chapter books and spend some time at Daddys. 

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