Monday, June 18, 2012

Post-Father's Day

If a picture's worth a 1000 words, here are 6000!  We had a great afternoon at the pond at Grandpa Wendell's.  The weather was perfect, Bailee was with us, Papa took the golf cart up and we had a sumptuous chicken Bar BQ.  We were missing some of the crew but it's pretty tough to get everybody together in the same spot anymore. This kicks off the summer with lots of events on tap.  Allison's birthday always welcomes us to summer on the 21st (Kay's too) and then we head right into graduations, reunions, camping, birthdays and before you know it, weddings and we're "back to school!"
This week is also Kindergarten Graduation...oh, I'm sorry "it's not a graduation Grandma it's a celebration" and Gabby and Emily "move up" to Middle School.  How the heck did that happen?
It sounds like we're going to usher in summer in fine fashion with a 3 day, 90+ heat wave.  I could probably survive without that but so many enjoy it that I'll just take one for the team and sit under a fan!
Jess and I visited Grandma this morning. She was in rare form. She was doing exercises and was looking forward to a visit from her Dad who was "coming down the hall."  Maybe this nasty disease isn't so bad if you can conjure up past memories and enjoy them over and over.  She didn't, on the other hand, know Jess or me but our names sounded "familiar!"  She was looking forward to making lemonade and as the saying goes, if life hands you lemons.......................................:-)

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