Monday, July 2, 2012

Bad hair, great mind!

"Hmmm, she said as her notice arrived in the mail announcing a 13.90% increase in her monthly healthcare premium!"  I could only explain this in the third person as it's almost like an out of body experience. According to POTUS, we'll all be better off and privy to affordable health care.  "Affordable" as long as you can "afford" it! I have never been without healthcare and thankfully have never used it excessively...or almost at all (knock on wood).  If approved, our healthcare premium, starting in January, will be pennies under $1200 PER MONTH.  If Lee were to begin drawing his social security this year (he'll be 62 in 29 days) he'd be getting just under $900.00 PER MONTH.  What a wonderful, caring president and Congress (and Supreme Court)  to throw us a 900 dollar bone that doesn't even cover our afforable healthcare. Oh, that's right, we have to cover their salaries and health care forever...I keep trying to forget that.  You might not like Donald Trump...but if I don't have to look at his hair or kiss those lips, I do!  He may have gone over the top a bit on the birth certificate issue but he has an amazing mind and has no allegiance to anyone...financially.  He got into debt himself and he got out of debt himself and I actually believe he would be an asset to our country... We are a floundering business afterall and our CEO pretty much sucks.  I guess all I can hope for is hearing on November 6th those endearing Trump words....."You're Fired!"

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