Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I love to read. Bailee loves to read. Jeff and Jess do not love to read.  That makes me sad.  I tried to empower them both with a love of reading but I failed. I vowed to succeed with Bailee and I'm thrilled to report....I have!  Seldom is there a day that she doesn't come to me with a book. Sometimes she wants me to read, sometimes she reads but most often we share... Page one for me, page two for her!  She came home from her last book fair armed with reading material for the summer..............or maybe just the week.

One of my favorite authors is James Patterson. I have read every book he has written, with the exception of the two books he has written for "middle schoolers."  I will read those too!  Recently, his son Jack interviewed him about his love of reading and his latest tween novel.  Here's the link.... http://jamespatterson.com/books_middleSchoolTwo-webcast.php 
  Well worth listening to. James explains the value of reading and it's relationship to almost everything...  He is an accomplished suspense author and has now written a novel geared to teens......Confessions.  His two middle school books have been "best sellers" in the tween genre of literature.

I am so pleased that reading is still a priority in school.... Book Fairs, book challenges, integrating books with history, art and music, local book readers and even free books at our local thrift store.  I love my "library" of hard copy books and I will admit I'm having a tough time adjusting to not adding to my collections.  My Kindles are amazing though and I always have something at my fingertips to read.... Lately, I'm liking the anonymity that my Kindle provides.. I probably don't need to flash about all my 50 Shades.......of red!  I can also get newspapers, (Wall Street Journal) and magazines and even word documents directly from my K.  Reading anywhere, anytime and anything.  Yep, I gave Bailee a Nook for her 5th birthday.... spoiling her?  Some may say absolutely...but at 5 she can fluently read "absolutely" and spell it too!!  So you girl...and  Readkiddoread!!!!  You're making James Patterson and Grandma very happy!!!♥

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