Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trash Day

Today is trash day.....not outside..............inside.  I have been housebound for the better part of the week with a nasty cold. My husband, being the kind and giving man that he is, shared his with me.  I nested in my recliner which is adjacent to my desk and now I have a  waste basket full of cruddy Kleenex (TMI), a desk cluttered with remotes, pills, tissues, chap stick, paper and pen, Kindle,Lysol and miscellaneous mail that I was too lazy to take care of. I, alarmingly, became a hoarder!  Today, I clean!  Laundry is washing, wastebaskets to empty , dishes to wash,  medicine to replace in the cupboard and a to-do list firmly posted in front of me.  The list encompasses all that I need to do from now until we head south in mid Feb. so I can always procrastinate on a few things.  We're not taking Jerome this year so packing will be tougher....All those things that Jerome houses full time will have to be truncated and brought along for the trip. And then there's all the bookwork, taxes and billing that needs to be paid and readied for payment from the Sunshine State. It's almost more work than it's worth...Given my druther's, I'd stay put but Lee enjoys a break and Jess and Bailee are coming for a visit.  Guess I'd better trudge on and tend to the trash.....We're nearly 1/2 way through January...who threw those 2 weeks away?

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