Friday, January 6, 2012


What in the world would we do without numbers? In general, I like them!  There's nothing sweeter than a balanced checkbook..well ok, there's a couple things sweeter!  Without numbers, we (that's a collective "we" meaning the entire world) could not and would not function. No calendars, no account numbers, no ID numbers, no flight times, no monetary figuring, no bad cholesterol numbers, no sizes, no scales, no test scores...I hate test scores a lot..., no speed limits, no prices, no ratings, no clocks, no channels and stations (oh crap.. we can use letters instead), no calories, no scores (ESPN can figure that one out) and most of all no birthdays...... Which brings me to today..... Happy Birthday to my BMFF........(figure it out).....He begins the onslaught of tacky cards, gifts of Depends, canes and hearing aids, black balloons and clever coffee mugs and tee shirts! My classmates and I are all turning the big 6-0..this year.(God willing!)...Someone once said that 60 is the new 40 (Lord I hope so) and a friend told me this morning that silver is the new blonde.....Is that a good thing (duh)....
                                   HAPPY BIRTHDAY RADAR♥

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