Friday, January 27, 2012

Tough Love

My 5 year run as "the best Grandma in the whole world" has undoubtedly come to a screeching halt.  As of late, The Apple of my eye has been invaded by a worm!  Back talk was one thing that was never tolerated when I was young!  My house is/was no exception.  The last few weeks, Bailee has been more than "a pill!" It's affecting her at school, at home, at dance and at Grandma's.  If you thought Grandma's was a neutral place where anything goes, you thought wrong!  For the past two weeks, Mom and I have unequivocally uttered the ultimatum that bad behaviour isn't rewarded with fun gadgets, accolades and...wait for it.....................trips to Disney!  Report cards came home this morning.  Academics were exceptional.... Behaviour....way less than.. First plane ride, trip to Florida and Disney adventure are off!  I now know what my folks meant when they said "this is going to hurt me way more than it's going to hurt you!"  I'm not sure she understands the enormity of the cancellation but hopefully it will right her ship.  Some of you probably think this is extreme... maybe so, but the consequence was put on the table and the actions remained unchanged... If we were going to talk the talk we had to be prepared to walk the walk.  It makes me sad. The Apple of my eye is still just that... she just may need a little polishing!!!

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