Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm ready!

Beginning to think (and plan) my strategies and lists for Florida.  This is the time of year that I clean my desk and then line up the lists.. I have a list of things to do before I leave,a list of bills to pay, a list of things for Jess to do while I'm away, a list of things to pack, a list of containers to assemble for clothes, meds, technology, phones and cameras, a business tote, my computer stuff and this year, list for Jess to do before she leaves, things to pack and how to handle everybody's mail while we're all gone.  Basically, it would be MUCH easier just to stay home....and it would take little to no arm twisting.... but Lee needs the break and is looking forward to a national trap shoot and being warm for a few weeks.  His bloodthiners are saving his life in the heart department but he may very well freeze to death in the process.  My lists are complied and the process of "laying things out" has begun.  In the past, I have had a very large box of books to read and DVDs to watch.....Thank you Kindle.. I have one small, technology filled Ereader that lets me do it all....BUT the trade off is......I now have a bag tha carries all my techy things and all their chargers...A trade off I can live with.... I'm good to go as long as I have power....Why is it the world always leaves me dependent on something...??
Never let it be said I wasn't ready.... Once again another favorite quote..."I'd rather be ready and not go then to go and not be ready"...

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