Monday, January 30, 2012

Here's the skinny!

Oh the weather INSIDE is la la.....  Day 3 of no heat and no hot water...I am, however, amazed at the R-factor of a new house.... It's still warmer inside than out, the basement is still 5-8 degrees warmer than the house and we've yet to dip below 50...I have a little heater in my den (which is where I live anyway) and we borrowed another from a friend for the bedroom. Thermal backed curtains help and today the sunshine is doing it's job. 
To back up, Saturday morning Bailee and I thought we were being attacked by the militia.  10 -12 very loud blasts out back....We snuck to the living room as all good victims have learned from TV and as we crouched by the patio doors, "they" fired on us again.  I noticed large puffs of steam coming from the boiler vent with each shot....Suddenly it was eerily peaceful.  I left a message with the "furnace installer" and calmly explained to Lee to GET HOME!... When he arrived, the failsafe switches on the boiler had performed their job and shut down the system... which also shut down heat and all hot water.... Long story short, after several repairmen's diagnoses...the burner assembly had blown a 4 x 4 inch hole which was sending propane out while there was no spark to ignite.... Luckily the whole place didn't "go".....  Just had a call that they will be replacing the entire boiler (which by the way, is the size of my theater popcorn popper.)... not like they used to make them, for sure.  It also means at least another day before my tootsies are toastie! 
We've had many offers of lodging and many suggestions to help stay warm... Some worked well, others..not so much!  This morning, I'm off to the dentist (which I hate) but at least I'll be warm...Predicting back to the high 40's for the next few days.... that'll help too...In the meantime, I'm quite pleased that my personal R-factor is working so well ...Thank God I'm not skinny!!! (that was my cold, outside voice)

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