Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I spent the day with my Mom yesterday.  We were heading to the eye Dr. where she "hadn't been in years".....or October.  She was not ready to leave when I went to pick her up because the sitter wasn't there yet.  She was making up wonderful words, couldn't find her glue glasses (WTH) she had gotten that morning and as she sat in the Dr's office looking at a sunny painting on the wall, proclaimed, "Look, isn't it a beautiful day!"  A journey outside the walls of Walden Place is a mini episode of a mix of reality shows...Survivor, Amazing Race and Dirty Jobs!  A bit like moving Mt Everest 10 miles with a couple of bathroom breaks during the trip!! That was the prequel to my thoughts on the drive home.
First, let me preface this with a disclaimer.  I am not overly or overtly religious.  I believe in God as I converse with him every night and always have.  I ask him for favors, I thank him for my blessings and I plead with him for longevity. I do not attend church....mostly because I like to eat more and we usually go out for breakfast on Sunday mornings. Now, back to my drive home yesterday.  I've always had questions about the afterlife. It's mere existence and what it holds are a couple of biggies. Yesterday I thought.....out loud, When we go to heaven, hopefully, do we go as we are, as we were, or as someone entirely new?  When my Mom leaves, will she always be old?  Do children remain children or do they grow up and then when do they stop actually getting old?  Now the biggest question of all.  Who's going to answer my question?  A minister, God in an Epiphany, a dream, a ghost?  I'm pretty sure that we're supposed to believe that it will be what we want it to be.  If that's the case... I've got some advance (WAY advance) planning to do.....I'll need the Internet, diet Pepsi and television and a cloudless view of my family...How do you think that's gonna work for me?  I'm hoping heavenly...just heavenly♥

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