Monday, January 9, 2012


Last week I lysoled door knobs, light switches, toilet flushers and anything else that I thought Lee might have touched, coughed on, sneezed on, breathed on or even farted on...Didn't work! I have his lousy cold.  This sharing thing in marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be.  I do not want 1/2 of everything (you never heard that) ... Seriously.  I'm quite sure his Mom taught him to cover his mouth when he coughed but he must have been deaf back then too.  Usually my Monday routine is breakfast, post office, laundry, FB, email and bookwork...Today, it's breakfast, NyQuil, Advil and netti pot. I now know why we have two breathing orifices.. I'm just not sure what to do if they're both clogged at the same time...I'm thinking a nap in the recliner with the heating pad and grape juice...and Kleenex.... Sorry nothing witty or opinionated this morning.....Maybe better things will emerge tomorrow....other than muscus!

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