Friday, December 30, 2011

For the Birds

Lee gave me a new game for Christmas....BIRDopoly.  Let me first explain that in nearly 60 years, I have never completed a Monopoly game much less won one. Birdopoly is exactly the same game except the properties are feathered and you can place birdhouses and trees on your owned Bird lands. We began with 4 players, Mom, Papa, Grandma and Bailee. We read the directions aloud so everyone was on the same page.. No cheating on how to get out of "Grounded" (Jail) and whether or not you can sell properties to your fellow gamers.  The one rule we never played in the old game was: if you land on an unowned property and choose NOT to purchase it, it then goes to the highest bidder... That proved pretty interesting!  It appears we have a budding real estate mogul in our midst.  Bailee got the hang of auction style bidding way too quickly.  Long story short. After two hours, she was killing us!!! She had a pile of $500's and Bird's galore.... She had all the black birds which in relation would have been the utilities in the old version.... Each time we landed on one (and there were 4), we paid her $200.  She then put 4 birdhouses on 3 other owned Birds and broke us all as rent was over $400 on each.  No 5 year old should catch on that quickly....period!
Needless to say, three of us cried "Uncle" as eyes were beginning to close (and that was Papa).  It was official, she had kicked our proverbial bird butts. I think Go Fish and Candyland are games of the past. Game on!!

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