Thursday, December 29, 2011

All Aboard

2011 is leaving the building.  I must admit, I am not sad to see it go. My biggest fear is that each year, as we age gracefully...or otherwise, things will begin to fall apart.  I always thought uncertainty accompanied youth.  Where will I go to college, how will I pay for it, will I love my job, will I fall in love...forever....and so on.  I think it's maybe the most certain time of our lives.  We didn't realize it and weren' savvy enough to appreciate it.  Even if we screwed up, (and we all did) there was still time to reroute ourselves and get back on track.  At this stage in our lives, we better damn well know what train we're on and hope it's going where we planned.  If you didn't plan.... you may be screwed.  The economy may have thrown a couple detours in our trip and some pesky health issues may have changed our speed but hopefully we'll have some time to enjoy the destination and do a little sight seeing.  Although don't put too much stock in the destination..... the journey may be the best part. Here's hoping that 2012 allows us the time to get we're going safely, the time to enjoy the route we choose and the time to remember where we've been.

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