Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Might as well -)

Isn't random awesome?  How could anybody be sad or stressed if they looked up..and saw this?  When Christmas is over and I've removed Bailee and Santa from my background...This will replace it.  I think if you look deep enough, there's always something to smile about... I smile at something Bailee has said, a commercial on TV, a sitcom on the tube and even when I look out into our back yard and see the falls.  We always seem to dwell on the negative when the positive is directly in front of us. It's not just us. The news is generally negative....surely there's good news somewhere....There must be some place that isn't having tornadoes, hurricanes or blizzards. There must be some little town that is having a Christmas festival and no one has recently been murdered there. There surely is a school system that is filled with wonderful students taught by amazing teachers.  I know there are people who are still giving to those in need that don't complain about their debt ceilings. Why aren't we hearing about all of this good news?  By Golly, we have that right here in Moravia..... Now there's some good news....that should make you smile :-)

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