Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Sometimes quiet sucks!   Outside decorations are down.  Dead pine boughs are out of the bathroom and off the mantle.  The guest room is empty. Nobody's shoes are by the door.  The Christmas tree looks pitifully unhappy and you could hear a mouse fart....too damn quiet here:-(  I can't believe I even thought about complaining about noise or 1/2 empty cans of soda or lights left on or empty toilet paper rolls... what was I thinking?!  The anticipation and planning took months and in a few short days it's over and everyone returns to their weirdly, normal routines.  Everybody appears to be happy with their gifts. We skipped the clothing this Christmas (except for Mom and Lee) so no "sizable" worries there. Technology and gift cards seem to be the winner of this season. Everything from iPhones and iPads to Kindles and D.S's.  We should have no problem keeping in contact!!  Lee is still carrying both his new phone and his old one. I guess even at 61 you need something for security.  Jess and Bailee will be winging to the sunny south in February for a week.  We told her she couldn't go until she was five and I'm not sure how it happened....but she's FIVE!  I think she'll love it and I hope she'll remember it....that's the most important.
I guess it's time to wait for the taxes to arrive next week, anticipate the dreaded income tax ( a little late to do anything about 2011), plan for a few weeks in the south and hope that 2012 has no surprises in store for us.  One day at a time, one foot in front of the other and onward we go:-)

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