Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ho Ho-----

Ho Ho Hum.....I think we "Need a little Christmas. Right this very minute."  Snow....we need SNOW!  There are those who will vehemently disagree with me but it's only 2 weeks from it officially being winter...Winter means snow.  If I wanted to linger in 60 degree weather in December, I'd move!  The weather report is a bit optimistic on the snow front.  There's "wet" weather on the move northward. Depending on where we live, we'll either get more of this nasty, rainy, drizzly crap or some honest to goodness measurable SNOW!! We can't throw snowballs, make a snowman, ski, sled or snowmobile.... that's what we do here in upstate New York in the winter..OK maybe some do and others bitch but we're pretty well known for being a winter wonderland.  Now we just wonder where winter is. Everyone's saying we'll probably pay for all of this nice warm weather... So be it.... suck it up folks. Put your snow tires on, drive cautiously and defensively, leave gloves in your vehicle and make sure your cell phone is with you....renew your AAA and welcome the flakes with open arms. If you don't like the weather here, you could always move... maybe south where they have hurricanes or west where they have fires and tornadoes....If you choose to stay, sit back, relax, take your time traveling and "deal about it!"

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