Wednesday, December 21, 2011

W..............Christmas Christmas:-(  If this were snow, we'd be shoveling.....but it's not. Even the local Scrooges have said they would acquiesce to at least an inch or two for the sake of a white Christmas.  I'm trying to look at the positive side of all this green....Travelers won't be stuck, thermostats can be lower, injuries from falls will be down and shoveling and plowing will be nill. At least inside it will be Christmas as usual.  Everyone (except B :-( ..) will awake to my Beach Boys singing carols, coffee wafting through the house, the table dressed in it's Christmas finery and stockings bulging at their seams and laying, overloaded, by the fireplace.  I just don't know how Santa magically gets it all together no matter what the circumstances.  He is one clever dude(tte).  I will still miss the snow.  Our great room has 12 foot doors that I love to open (reminiscent of the final scene in White Christmas) to our beautiful back yard and freezing, white falls.  The falls have cooperated but we'll have to imagine the snow.  We can do that... as long as we're all here together and relatively safe, healthy and sane, the weather won't hamper our day.  It'll be a long one..ONE present at a time but rules are rules and traditions are traditions. It took all year to bring it together and it'll take ALL day to tear it apart.   We'll all enjoy and just "Deal about it!"

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