Friday, December 23, 2011

Kindergarten Concert:-)

100 little cutie pies all dressed in red and green donning their Santa hats.  The wonderful, new auditorium was filled with Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings and of course, the Papas and Grandmas.... There were jingles and fears, laughter and tears but hey, they're FIVE.  It was 22 minutes of holding our breath to see if they'd remember their lines to belting out Jingle Bells and breathing a sigh of relief when they marched to the microphone.  One thing's for sure...We DO NOT pay our teachers enough.  We deal with one, two or maybe three if you're the proud parents of Triplets........They (teachers) deal with 2 dozen, 5 days a week..... and they actually manage to teach them something!  I will admit that maybe one for the Kindergarten teachers may have lost it... She was all dressed in elf red, had on every piece of jewelry she was ever given and the last time she'd combed her hair was September 5th. She laid back in her chair as she flashed prompts to the kiddos.  Who said kids can't drive you nuts!!!
Well, I have it forever digitally recorded.  We'll be able to show it at her sweet 16 or graduation.  But for today, it ranked right up with a Premiere of a Broadway musical.

Now, 1/2 of our Christmas is complete with the girls watching "Dolphin Tale" in the theater, the smell of popcorn mixing with Great Grandmas chocolate cookies and only 3 hours until the other half of Christmas (Uncle Jeff and Heather) arrive at Syracuse airport.  Commence Christmas!! ♥♥
                                    Ho Ho Holy Cow, it's HERE!

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