Monday, November 10, 2014

The Cover Up

Have you ever gotten to the point in a renovation project where you make that monumental decision to just COVER IT UP?  We just arrived there and the decision is made....everyone involved even agreed to the product, the color and the price...Hallelujah...Praise God and Strike up the freaking band!  It's only one wall but The Berlin Wall was never as big a deal as this one.  We're down to 12 days before the floor installations and each day has it's own mini cluster $#@%...  Now, don't get me wrong, they're thrilled to actually OWN the house and progress is being made. I have to keep reminding everyone of that.....for my sanity as well as theirs.  The target date for actually moving in is Thanksgiving week. It'll be close but come hell or high water (or hunting), we'll make it happen.  Two rooms will get carpeted Wednesday...those doors will be closed!!!! The kitchen is coming together, new electric service is in, inspected and approved and just waiting for NYSEG to "connect" them. Lots of trim needs to be painted and that's a project for Jeff.  Also, the bathroom and hall need paint and the bathroom needs a sub floor. The master bedroom will be last as it needs a support in the ceiling and another closet built....but Lacie's Dad will whip that up and they can always bunk in the living room for a bit... It'll be an adventure...kind of like throwing sheets and blankets over the furniture when they were kids.  They see no humor in my comparisons to their childhoods but I'm enjoying myself;-)  It won't be long until the befores and afters will remind them of how far they've come and how awesome it'll be.  "All good things take time!"

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