Friday, November 7, 2014

Holiday Time

Holidays are upon us...especially today... It's Birthday Party Eve, a really Good Friday and I'm Thankful because It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas....It's SNOWING!!!!!!!!  The Rockefeller Christmas tree is arriving at the Plaza this morning and the Beach Boys Christmas album is rockin' at EIEIO.   Jeff worked a late night at the airport but I'm pretty sure he'll be coming above ground soon to enjoy the snow and holiday tunes.... I mean really, who doesn't love Christmas!!!!?!!!

Reno is trudging along at 4628.  Some more rooms are painted, the bar (pass through) is "in" and some moldings are painted and up. Who'd have thought anyone would love a nail gun, early birthday gift so much:-) This will be a busy week as we head for the home stretch...literally. Some insulation on the schedule, a ceiling beam, more paint, and then a bit of a break as hunting commences on Saturday...UGH... My most unfavorite time of the year.  I enjoy the scruff and the camaraderie but stress a lot during the hours of daylight and shotgun shelling.

Floors are scheduled for the 21st so the make up must be prettying up the walls, the windows washed, the floors swept and the rooms emptied of..................everything!  Move in is scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving and Birthday and hunting and who knows what else.... They say the more you have to do, the more gets done..... Whoever "They" are, should hightail it to 4628 and help "git 'er done!"

Birthday photos on tap for next week..Enjoy the week-end!!

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