Friday, November 21, 2014

Bird Brained

I've been published!  Well, sort of published..I have a photo I took on the cover of a local conservation annual newsletter.  It is such a joy to live in and around an area that "houses" wildlife.  Who knew it would be so much fun to bird watch.  Who knew I would rarely leave home without my binoculars and my camera....and an extra battery... I mean really, who knew?  The leaves are gone now and the eagle's nest is once again visible. I haven't seen any action there yet but it's probably been a matter of being there at the wrong time.  The crops have been harvested and being hunting season, I'm not moving around there too much...I have no desire to be field dressed and truthfully, I'm way more fat than meat.  My research tells me that the eagles have already been back to the nest and made any improvements necessary to secure it for spring mating season and egg laying (or actually late winter sometimes.)  They will continue to use that nest until it's no longer viable and secure...(which I hope is many more years.)  Talk about "empty nest syndrome"... I would have lingering withdrawals and probably need therapy:-(
My smaller birds are still depending on me to provide their treats through the long, cold winter. My chickens are trying to stay warm and we'll see how they welcome some new family members this week-end.  We've kept them separated for a couple weeks but hope they can all snuggle up and get along. After all, birds of a feather flock together!!
It'll probably soon be time to provide some meals for the eagles too.  They're thankful I'm sure and it also brings them closer for some great photo sessions.  I'll keep you all posted!

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