Monday, February 18, 2013

The "Old" Days

Who doesn't need a good "pick me up" on a cold, Monday morning. This will do the trick........until you realize that you're no longer the ones on the bench but the old geezer in the car.  I had a 1964 Chevy Impala convertible (45 years ago).  I've been tossing around the idea of buying a brand new one next year...for old time's sake and to celebrate it's 50th anniversary. Lots of good times in that ole Chevy! I remember boys in the backseat and babies in the front (no, one didn't produce the other).  We survived without seat belts and car seats.....and we could search our pockets for gas money and and still have enough left over to buy some burgers at Carroll's. Our attention wasn't diverted with cell phones and texting and we usually inserted our 8 tracks into the player (if we were lucky enough to have one) before we headed out on the highways.  Top down (on the car, of course), Woolly Bully blasting through the speaker (only one) and usually a scarf holding our bouffant hairdos in place. Those were definitely...The Good Old Days!!!!

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