Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentine

Just change the "she's to he's" and this is my favorite  love song... 34 years ago today we brought Jeff home! I remember it like it was yesterday.  Wendell and Nancy usually headed south before this date but they waited to meet their newest grandson.  It was quite a day for friends and family to stop and meet the newest "Hatfield!"  Sleeping with his little "heart on" he definitely stole ours that day♥  Every year since, on Gotcha Day, he's received a Valentine basket, bag or box of goodies from us to celebrate not only Valentine's Day but him!  He called to thank me for this year's box and remarked how times have changed.  "I used to get candy and games and lots of toys, this year's box held muscinex, vitamins and mustard!"  That was then and this is now but he'll always be "My Valentine♥"

Jeff, wearing a little heart, on Gotcha Day......1979

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