Friday, February 8, 2013

A Numbers Game....

Life sure is a numbers game.  Today at Millard Fillmore Elementary school they're celebrating the 100th day of school.  Well actually the 99 & 1/2 day of school as the early dismissal notice just went out.  Everybody's heading home at 1 o'clock because a storm is heading our way.  The huge totals for our area are 4-8 inches.....OH MY!  It didn't seem like a big issue when we got that a few times earlier this winter.  Unless you recently moved here from Belize, it's just another upstate, winter day.  The groundhog didn't see his shadow so an early spring is right around the corner...Not even 6 more weeks of winter....yeah right!  The grocery stores are buzzing and the gas stations are guzzling (even at prices nearing $4 per gallon) and the chatter is all about the big storm of the century....just how many big storms of the century can one century have?  The National Weather Service has dubbed this blinger, "Nemo"...yep, that adorable, harmless, little orange and white fish....oooooo he's so scary. If you wanted to frighten us with the storm's propensity, why not call it Sasquatch or Orca?  It does look a bit more ominous on the coast... 1-2 feet out there...........but we're not out there.  We're right here in little ole upstate NY where by morning we might have donut making parking lots, neighbors shoveling their walks, walking their dogs and the hardier among us out for their daily jog. Tomorrow will be just another day here in Motown....If there were school, it'd be day 101 with 79 more to go:-)  Just another number:-)

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