Monday, February 4, 2013

It's Over :-(

If you're not a football fan, hit the X !  Today I know how those afflicted with bi-polar issues deal with life.  I retired last night with a bit of football euphoria surrounding my every move...even party clean up wasn't a chore as I reveled in the victory of my Baltimore Ravens.  (well almost all of them...I'm not a Ray Lewis fan and the only good part of his story is that he's retired and we shouldn't have to hear the hur-Ray story before, during and after each Baltimore game next season.) This morning, however I'm bummed!  It's actually over:-( but as some do on December 26th with Christmas, I am already doing in preparation for September 5th @ 8:35 p.m. o NBC. Yep, that's the official beginning to the NFL's 2013/14 season.The Ravens will take the field to defend their title....(Lewis-less:-) Here are some things to look forward to when we kick off !

The international craziness will still be in swing this season - Two games will be played in Wembley Stadium in London and the Bills will return, per their renewed contract, to Toronto. Can't really see the cost effectiveness of the travel but who am I to long as they're playing!
The 49ers not only said good bye to a championship last night but will only have one more year to play in the infamous Candlestick Park. In 2014, they're off to Santa Clara.  The Vikings will end their play at the Metrodome this season too. They'll settle in for a couple years at the home of the Golden Gophers while their new stadium is being built.  Who said there isn't money in pro football??
All new media contracts will end this season but changes are nil...CBS will still carry the AFC games, FOX the NFC package, Sunday Night, Football Night in America will still be seen on NBC and ESPN will air 17 Monday Night games.  Those NFL Network games just frustrate me as I only have online access to them and it's just not the same:-(
Coaching faces will change!! Another NFL record was set with the firing of 7 head coaches and 5 general managers in one day. That could actually be a very good thing.  My Buffalo Bills may have been resuscitated with the addition of Doug Marrone...we'll see.

April will bring the NFL draft.  Not sure how Manti T'eo will make out (maybe with an imaginary team)..stay tuned...August will send me running for the latest edition of the Fantasy Football Guide.Maybe I'll be fortunate enough to actually compile a team that stays healthy.Before you know it, it'll be February 2nd and we'll all be focusing on the Big Apple (Ok New Jersey) and Super Bowl XLVIII. I can't wait!!

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