Monday, February 11, 2013

The EAGLE has landed..

Sitting proudly in their nest
getting ready to take flight
 I never would have dreamed that the eagle's nest was so close to us.  For some reason I was sure they were living on waterfront property along the inlet but assumed it was much farther toward the lake.  You know what assuming does?  Their home is very near the ice cream shop (Dee Dees) and therefor just out of sight from my porch.  When the leaves return in the spring, their maternity ward (hopefully) will no longer be a vantage point for nosey neighbors.  Never fear, short of building a tree house, I will find a new perch to pursue picture taking!
I am always excited when birds flock around my feeders and I enjoy them all from chickadees to pileated woodpeckers. I even marvel at the avian cycle of life.  I have seen a bird abducted by a hawk from a front porch feeder, the instant evidence of a red hawk's fly in breakfast (that put the entire dove population in "mourning") and the daybreak discovery of a mutilated red tailed hawk on our smoke house. After a little CSI, in the nearby woods. death by owl was our COD...Who says karma isn't everywhere..even in the bird world!
Last year's discovery of our two (maybe 3) eagles has lightened our wallets with the purchase of prime field glasses and a new 200X zoom camera.  If only my excitement would allow these old, arthritic, hands to calmly and steadily photograph my subjects, I'd have clearer photos to share. I promise I will practice with my new equipment so I can document these lovely creatures.

One has left the nest and sitting to the right

Getting ready to take flight..wings spread

Have I ever mentioned how much I love living here?

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