Friday, July 20, 2012

All's well

My chicks are close to the nest and all's well.  Not the feathered ones mind you, but the human adult ones and the mini chick).  We had a fun, anniversary dinner at Outback last night and this morning, we  (well those very same human adult ones) readied the pontoon boat for Sunday's Poker Run on the lake. A little bonding for Jeff and Lee in the shooting and golfing department today and tomorrow and  maybe a bonfire one of these nights.  I'm sure a chuck roast, mashed potato, sweet corn feast will be a menu request one night as well... (Bailee and Uncle Jeff's favorite..... although anything he does, says or eats is her favorite).. So far we won't let her chew tobacco or imbibe in a little 3 Olives cherry vodka!
We only get these "whole family" mini reunions a few times a year so we're soaking it all in and smiling a lot!  Jeff's loving the 30 degree drop in temperatures and we're loving having him home.
Hoping everyone enjoys their week-end too!!

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