Friday, July 6, 2012

Cyber Mourning

My desk should be shrouded in black.  My computer has died!  Well it may not actually totally without breath but it's on life support. .....and I'm about as far away from a tech paramedic that it might as well pull it's own plug! I can't access anything online although it's connected and all is working fine on the provider end. I can access what I need to remove information such as documents, photos, addresses and favorites.....I just have no idea how to perform the surgeries. Such things should just!  When I push the handle on the toilet, it should flush. When I turn on the TV, my program should appear. When I hit the button on my camera, it should flash and when I answer my phone, someone should say hello.  It is the 21st century!
I guess all things happen for a reason.  I was meant to stay in my den today and clean off my desk.
Asssuming that will entail removing all the tiny fingernail clippings that have scattered around, the enumerable follicles of hair that I've shed and the crumbs that have accumulated from my mid afternoon snacks. There's a chance that I might even uncover some of the lists that I have recently made that have come up missing.  My new computer is an all-in-one so I can remove the tower and make room for more "junk! It's due to arrive on the 12th so I'm thinking that I'll have the neatest desk ever for at least another week.  This is all coinciding with the demise of Kodak Gallery as well so no more Kodak software for me...That's kind of sad in itself.  I was very good to Kodak for over  40 years and now I have to learn all about Shutterfly....I always thought I'd have my trusted Kodak everything for ever.  I know, nothing is forever. But if I don't get busy, I'll be in here forever trying to remove info and spiff up my daily habitat. Change is good.....(no it isn't..who am I kidding?)

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