Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I seen it on Face Book....................arghhhh.. it's (it is) like running your fingers across a chalkboard... It makes me cringe.  I was raised by an ardent writer, lived next door  to an English teacher and enjoyed English in school.  I also love to read and therefore, pretty much, good grammar oozed into me through osmosis.  We were always corrected when we used a word incorrectly and then received the explanation whether (not weather) we requested it or not. I still have some issues with affect and effect but if I stop and think it through, I generally use it correctly.  That's often why it takes me so long to respond..That darn thinking part has always slowed me down. There are many blatant mistakes made when speaking that I feel bad (believe it or not, you are NOT to add the "ly" if the word is describing a sense) correcting people.  But, when you've been taught to use badly rather than bad, it sounds wrong to not add "ly."  That's why it's so tough to really learn the English language.  I done it, he seen it, your crazy, its mine....are probably all petty but to defend some who abuse the language, they probably were raised being spoken to in exactly those words.  OK, that's no excuse!  In today's dwindling job market, you'd better have command of the English language and present yourself as literate and well spoken..... unless of course, you're an immigrant or in a minority and then you're good to go......
These few "cartoons" randomly placed on Face Book might just do some teaching of their own without making the abusers feel targeted... Hey, if the shoe fits, wear (ware, where) it!!!!

                                  BTWHappy Forth of July ;-)  wink, wink

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