Thursday, July 26, 2012

All better

Ok, I'm all better now...My  whinging (as they call whining in the land of the Olympics) is over for now. Yesterday, Jess and I had a day of retail therapy at the Outlet mall ( and no Casey, I didn't buy any outlets) and the girls are now all set for their sailing adventure.  I even managed to purchase 3 items for me and walk reluctantly right past the chocolate store.  Bailee was at Rec so it was just a mother and daughter excursion.  Jess even admitted she actually "enjoyed spending the day with me!"  Well of course she did!  We have school clothes, cruise attire and shoes in the bag..literally!  We may have to stop feeding Bailee so these new duds will still fit when next spring rolls around... I enjoyed my time at a "31" party last night and ordered a few things that cruisers can't travel without... I was surprised there were a few things left that I didn't already have and, with Christmas being only 5 short months away, a little holiday shopping was in order.  I don't want to hear it! I like Christmas and I shop early so I can enjoy the festivities.... To piggy back Tuesday's blog, I have yet to decide about Christmas cards. I thoroughly enjoy creating them and I love receiving them so I will probably selfishly continue on with that tradition! I always keep the photo cards and Christmas letters we receive.  Often holiday letters are described as boring and the butt of many jokes but I love hearing how friends and family are doing and the fun things they've done throughout the year.
Our predicted nasty weather for today appears to have shifted to the south so it looks like laundry, bookwork and dressing room cleaning are on the menu.  Speaking of menus, maybe some lobster for supper tonight...Bailee's off to her Dad's for a week tomorrow and we will all be lost without her:-( so we'll splurge for supper!!!  I'll try not to whinge too much about her being away:-(

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