Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wildlife Habitat

Yes we do have a wildlife habitat here at EIEIO.  Yesterday when the impending storm was in the air, a few of my furry neighbors went a little bit haywire.  Freaky Tom, the turkey with missing feathers, was pretty much hugging the patio and gobbled loudly for at least 10 minutes.  Just prior to that, I heard this loud fighting and screeching sound coming from the hill just outside my den.  It almost sounded like two young bobcats ( or very large cats at best).... As I was scoping out the hillside, I saw two, very well nourished woodchucks scuffling, "screaming" and rolling down through the ground foliage....right out into the lawn.... They circled each other for a few seconds and then proceeded to veg out...not at all sure what that was about.  A few minutes later, the hills were alive with bird tweets ... from tufted titmice to pileated woodpeckers...All I could think of were the warnings of animal wildlife aficionados explaining the sophisticated senses of the animal and bird kingdoms and their keen sense of impending danger....  maybe we were in for a blinger of a storm as all of this was happening amidst loud claps of thunder.  A huge gust of wind introduced the mini storm which dropped much needed rain on lawns and crops.....and the chickens, whose coop door had blown shut and whose feed was left open to the elements. I'll get this chicken thing right eventually, Grandma Iva!!!  Speaking of chickens...... last night as Lee and I were watching the chickens ( I know, that in itself isn't right), we noticed a worm crawling across a rock in their pen.  Lee hollered, "Get it, eat it, come on what are you?.....chicken?....entertainment is abundant here at EIEIO.... ♥

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