Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Many

Wal-Mart provides us with so much.  There is little that we need in this world, tangible things I mean, that we can't obtain at Wal-Mart.  Everything from potting soil and peanuts to poise pads (just guessing) and pancake mix.  But, I think the thing I like most are the posts and emails that circulate from those who have people watched and photographed a few of those upstanding shoppers who obviously have no mirrors in their homes or marbles in their heads.  Sometimes I just glance at the photos to make myself feel good!  The other day I received the photo above.  If it weren't so sad, it would be funny... Ok it's pretty funny anyway.  And they say the United States is lax in math and science...It's obvious we're fine as long as we have both hands and all our fingers.  I think Wal-Mart really does have everything we need in life...I'm a strong proponent in laughter and they sure provide that!   I'm off to slip on my thong, stretch pants and halter top and do a little shopping for the holiday week-end!!

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