Thursday, June 30, 2011

Trial..........and Error

Holy Smoke.. I have been glued to my TV/Tivo for the past week.  This Casey Anthony trial literally has me on the edge of my chair.  The judicial system is amazing... I have learned much about the law and what is in place to protect whom....So interesting to actually take in all the testimony along with seeing all the body language.  Such a huge juxtaposition from just reading and hearing the media reports.  What amazes me the most is the people who have been caught in lies... which by the way is nearly everyone, including some law enforcement. They are seldom, if ever, charged with perjury...So, why even have it as a chargeable offense.  Especially in this trial, both sides are more interested in how they can spin the lies than in charging the witnesses with this felony.. so, I went to my trusty computer to find out a little more about perjury... Here's what I found.
Perjury, also known as forswearing, lying under oath or lying on oath, is the willful act of swearing a false oath or affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to a judicial proceeding.[1] That is, the witness falsely promises to tell the truth about matters which affect the outcome of the case. For example, it is not considered perjury to lie about one's age unless age is a factor in determining the legal result, such as eligibility for old age retirement benefits.

I'm now assuming that could be what's happening throughout this trial...matters that affect the outcome of the case.   We'll see if anyone is charged with this felony after the case concludes.
Nonetheless....I am enthralled with this case and have wasted enumerable hours glued to my TV... but I've actually wasted more time on less enlightening events. I'll be ringside until this bout is over... and the bell has rung on Casey Anthony.

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