Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Smart cows

For years, I have told Lee that when cows are lying down, it's a sign that it's going to rain. He would always look at me, make some disparaging remark and chuckle. I know that Lee was raised a farm boy and I hailed from Main Street (Stream) Locke but hey, just sayin' what I'd heard.  Some days I'd say it and the skies would be solid blue and sunshine abundant...he wins, other days within hours, it would rain..I win.  So this month's June Farmer's, I repeat FARMER"S almanac arrived in my in box with these words of critter wisdom.

How Now, Brown Cow?

June has been National Dairy Month since 1937. Long before then, cows were known as weather prognosticators, especially for predicting rain.

Old-timers expected rain when cows didn’t give milk, when cattle wanted to lie down in the pasture, and when cows stretched their necks in milking stalls or were generally restless. 

So, that just verifies that we were all right...... Ben Frankilin, the cows and ME!

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