Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old Girls Club

I've always heard stories about the "Old Boys Club" but I'll bet they didn't have as much fun as the Old Girls one.  Today I joined a fun group of gals for lunch and laughs....both were great.  Amazing how much fun a group of 60+ year olds can have...There was some catching up with those I hadn't seen in a few years but what a great bunch who can laugh at themselves as easily as others. We all have our grandchildren's pictures to share and stories to tell and some of us have those funny "parent" stories too. We took just a few minutes to commiserate about our aches and pains then gingerly moved on to other subjects. Next month the crew is gathering at Tioga Downs for a bit of gambling and some lunch followed by August's gathering at Cindy's in Endicott. It was a fun afternoon.....

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