Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hang her high!!!

Off and on daily for the last few weeks, I have tuned into the Casey Anthony murder trial. The woman should be hung from the highest tree.  It's interesting what we have heard in the media over the past 3 years but watching the intricate details and testimony leaves not one ounce of doubt....The blatant lies of this young woman are incomprehensible.... How do you not go insanely mad when your child is missing.. for even a minute, none the less 31 DAYS!!!  Within the time she was missing and her body was found, Casey found it exciting to get a tattoo that translates into "It's a beautiful life". WTF.. I'm not quite sure why I put myself through watching day after day.  It may be the same compunction as watching an accident or a fire but it is riveting. Even Lee mentioned that a little girl's photo on his Father's Day card resembled Caylee Anthony....She's on everyone's mind and in everyone's heart.  Maybe that's why I am watching... hoping and praying for some kind of justice for this amazing, beautiful little brown-eyed beauty.

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