Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full Moon

Another full moon means another month has passed. Where does the time go?  Before you know it, The men will be off with the Eskimos in Alaska, Bailee will be in Kindergarten and Fall will be upon us.  Only 3 more moons till then. I could in all truthfulness, pass on summer.  It's not like I don my bikini (more like a wet suit) any more and I've decided with all the wrinkles and age spots that are appearing that maybe the sun should not beat down directly on aging flesh.  I love a 60-70 degree day where I can sit on the porch open a book (or now, my Kindle) and think of nothing more than the lives and loves of the characters. If I need a light blanket to ward off the be it! And of course, with Fall comes football. If I had a choice to walk on the beach or a cozy, few hours in my recliner watching sweaty black and white men run up and down 100 yards of grass or turf, give me football.  I know, somewhere in my gray matter is an imbalance of whatever should make me love frilly...I'll take jock straps and pads over tutus and toe shoes any day. Anyway, back to the full moon.....Tonight's is called the Strawberry Moon and in Europe it's known as the Rose moon.  With bright, cloudless skies today, hopefully we'll be treated to a beauty of a moon tonight. 

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