Monday, March 21, 2011

March Madness

Well Syracuse has lived up to our expectations.....which thankfully weren't too high.  We have a small, interested group of gamblers who each year assemble their varied talents and put their knowledge of basketball together with $5.00 which helps to keep us interested in 3 weeks of March Madness.  Some make their choices through stats, some through favorite coaches and colleges and others still pick with their hearts....Not surprising at all, is after round three, the top four point-getters are women....  Women are much more adept at making the right choices through analysis, intelligence and guts.  We wing it on a daily basis and are pretty keen on each outcome.  Take for instance when your 12 year old says she's running away from home and you pack her a lunch or when your 16 says he's going to a party at Bill's and "yes", Bill's parents will be home (yea right). Sometimes we have a misstep like the time your eight year old says she needs to get home quickly so she can to feed her pigeon....and you smile knowing full well she has NO pigeon............till you open the door and the room has either been bombed by the Pillsbury Doughboy or she indeed DOES have a pigeon. (We're all entitled to an error or two in the "gut" department). But when it comes to gambling away $5.00.... we use our heads... That's a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread..or in my case a 12 pack of diet Pepsi.  I don't take that lightly.. not one little bit.  So far, I'm still in the running along with three other highly, sports minded gals.  One of us will be bringing in that coveted $55.00 prize.  It's not much but it might cover some new underwear, a splurge on chocolate or even some Easter Bunny treats for the little ones. No matter proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that no longer are men superior in the Sports Department. We've held that title LONG before Tittle Nine enlightened the world.

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