Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Four!!

We're only hours away from the end of Day Four!  The patch appears to be helping. Being the "Dickless Tracy" that I am, I follow the evidence to ascertain the application of the morning patch.  So far, so good or else he's removing them from the package and stockpiling them in a remote location, yet to be determined.  Bailee does ask him each night, "Papa, did you smoke today?"  He replies, "No!"  She then answers, "You know fibbin' is the same as lyin?"  Hard to argue with that motivation.  I have noticed some tell-tale signs that he is, indeed, following his Dr's advice.  He, in no uncertain terms, explained that if Lee chose NOT to follow his orders, he would no longer be his Doctor.  Can't be much more upfront than that!!  Last night for supper, he had two sausages and two helpings of macaroni salad followed by a large bowl of Frosted Flakes.  He then found his way to the laundry room where, housed in a small, family dollar, shopping bag lives a mini candy bar concession stand.  Off to bed he went.  I heard rumblings in the kitchen about 11:00 and the Frosted Flakes were once again the pre-midnight snack of choice.  I can't argue with that.  My point being, the munchies have arrived so I assume (and you know what that does?) the smoking has left.  I may end up with a 300 pound diabetic but at least he'll be here.  Right now, that's my number one objective! ♥♥♥♥

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