Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Give me back last week-end

Story # 1
Holy crap... I want a do-over.  After guiltily relishing my wasted week-end, I want it back.  Monday brought us a snow day (at least for a few morning hours) and a picturesque, new 13 inches of snow.  Lee was home at noon, nestled in his chair, covered with a blanket and "not feeling good!"  Figuring he had one of the well traveled bugs floating around the area, I stayed clear.  Suppertime arrived and it was our Monday w/ Bailee.  She asked Papa if he was hungry and he joined us for dinner.  Watching him push his food around his plate, he finally admitted that he had some chest pain..WTH....only had them ALL DAY!!!!!!!!! even when he woke up...That's only 12 hours of chest pain.. no big deal, unless of course you'd like to live!!!  Having Bailee on board, our friend Chip whisked him off to the ER.  Long story short... blood enzymes showed no heart damage but his ticker had/has no set rhythm... it would go from 80-100 to 150 to 90..... Finally sent him home w/ Cardizem and baby aspirin prescribed accompanied by a cardiologist appt. this be continued.....
Story # 2
Jess, Bailee, Lee and I were having lunch yesterday a bit after noon. BOOM!!!!!!! I was sure all the snow had just left the entire roof... Jess looked out and there's a car at the end of our driveway, backwards, smoking and crunched. I looked and saw a school bus crossways in the road and front end in the ditch.  Jess called it in to 911 and proceeded to run to see if anyone was injured. Not a pretty scene. EMT's and the law arrived and quickly draped the vehicle. Not a good sign.  The rest of the day, 7 hours to be exact, involved, many police cars, firetrucks, investigators, the road closed, a hearse and heavy hearts.  I still don't know the exact circumstances.  Speculation is high but I actually thought each vehicle was coming from the opposite direction so CSI most likely won't be calling me for a guest appearance.  I did get a few photos (human nature kicked in) and they were on the 11 p.m. news as well as the local website

Today is cardiologist visit. After yesterday's tragedy, we'll count our blessings that we're around to make the appt.  Each day is definitely a we use it, is totally up to us... one of the few things we have control over:-)

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