Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's official

It's official.... We're OLD!  When the hell did that happen and why didn't anybody warn us?  Lee never took a pill ( albeit a rogue Tylenol) for 60 years.  Now, I fill a cup in his dressing room with 2 morning pills and keep the suppertime pill by the stove (mostly to remind me to remind him).  I may have to rethink the evening pill as our stove is used just a hair more than the vacuum cleaner..  At least the blood thinner isn't the age old warfarin.(coumadin).. AKA- RAT POISON.  That always freaked me out just a bit.  This new med is called PRA-DAX-AN.... and that's how I have it spelled out on the refrigerator so I can learn to pronounce it correctly.  Another sign of "getting old"...posting words randomly around the house in syllables so you can remember how to pronounce them...(that in itself is making me sick).  Old marker number two: we traded in the salt container for a new one containing 33% less sodium.  This may take a bit of time.  Actually, Lee's BP is great.. Even through last week's "cluster", his BP stayed calmly in the normal range of the 120's over the 70's... of course, his heart rate was way over 100 and in A-fib. Old reason number three: the sentiment factor!  The girls in the family are liking this one though.  We all get kisses good-bye now and a few more phone calls during the day. Thumbs up on that one. Number four:  I stopped complaining this week about the cost of our health insurance.  If health insurance is a mortgage on our dilapidated bodies....I might look into William Shatner's idea of a reverse mortgage.  It was interesting though to get an approval letter YESTERDAY for Lee's nuclear stress test Friday... last Friday!  There are many more old age quips that I could share but I'll save them for another post.. (and I've already forgotten what I was going to say).
We have another Dr's appt. on Thursday to go over all of last week's tests.  We already know he passed some and failed others. Now to assess whether he needs further "education" or possibly a tutor:-)  Regardless, we've both learned a few good lessons.  The hourglass has much less sand at the top, every day is a gift, tell those you love that you indeed do, remember that your friends can often be more important than you realized and absolutely NEVER take anything for granted.  Holy Shit.... I AM old!

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