Monday, March 28, 2011


This morning I'll share my little diatribe on hospitals.  I do not like them!! The smell nauseates me, the cleanliness makes my senses uncomfortable, The doctors and nurses always appear way too comfortable in their surroundings and everyone seems to stare at you while giving you a pathetic, "I'm sorry" kind of half smile..  I never see any McSteamys or McDreamys. These days they all seem to be McForeigners! Several times last Thursday, Lee couldn't recall the name of his doctor of the day (didn't have one for 60 years so I guess that's why).  I would joke and tell him it was AlQuaida... when in truth is was El Khally.  Hey, any semblance at humor was appreciated by both of us at this point.  Lee is not a fan of needles. These days they stick one in you as you're walking in the door. They do, however ask you your full name and birth date prior (and 100's of times thereafter)  They put one in his hand for a saline drip so he wouldn't get dehydrated....which he wouldn't have if he had been able to drink something for the past day.....One thing Lee will never be is dehydrated!!  Next they put another needle in his arm.."Just in case" (whatever the hell that means and neither of us were prepared to question in mortal fear of the answer).  Once in the cath. lab, they poked him again to numb the wrist and then just plain cut a hole in his artery.  If your fear of needles hasn't sent you into a severe case of diarrhea or cardiac arrest, you're good to go. The whole procedure in the lab was a matter of minutes and was probably the less stressful and easiest part of the day.  
OK, back to hospitals, Once again let me reiterate, I don't like them!  It may all stem from the fact that I have never really had a positive association with hospitals.  I never gave birth in one and came home with a bundle of joy. I take that back a little, I was able to witness Bailee's birth and cut her free...and that may have been one of my most treasured moments to date. But, other than that, I associate hospitals with broken bones, broken bodies and broken hearts:-(  I told Jeff last Thursday morning that I'd rather be sitting in a dumpster than sitting in that hospital... He, being my personal life preserver, told me he was sure there were several there somewhere and to go make myself comfortable!  
As my Dad was, I'm a card carrying member of the Hypocrite Club. I give what I can to the hospital...the new Maternity suites, the Hospital Annual Gala and any meaningful fundraiser that pleads their case. Dad would generously give to the church while openly professing his non-belief. I will continue to give to the hospitals while professing my disdain for the sights, the sounds and the smells while in the back of my mind repeating, "There but for the grace of God go I"

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