Monday, December 27, 2010

Whew....only 4 more days

Only 4.5 more days until 2011.  I'm not sure whether that makes me happy or sad.  2010 was a year of some moderate change but as they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  A very strange but true adage.  Jess, Bailee and I went to visit Mom interesting visit, as always.  When we arrived, she was sleeping in a chair in the kitchen/activity area.  She woke easily so I'm thinking maybe she was just resting.  The entire memory wing was recuperating from several days of the stomach bug with Mom as it's first casualty.  The nasty germ forced them to cancel the Christmas party which, in that wing, was not an issue as most didn't realize it was Christmas-time.  We brought Mom/Grandma/Gr.Grandma her Christmas gifts. Her bright green stocking was decorated with a sparkly, red butterfly. Butterflies are her favorite.  Inside she found some essentials like deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, Fixodent, etc. none of which she recognized.  Her first question was "How do I use this" and then "What's this for?"  Another lightening bolt announcing a jump to another phase:-(   She had asked for a new watch with bigger numbers so Sandy Claus had found a nice digital one with numbers she can hopefully recognize.  She will now be wearing TWO watches....just cuz!  S.C. also brought her a new pair of slippers.  Her only shoe of choice is the pair she got last year from Jennings. She wears them every day, everywhere!  Jess managed to get them on and I think she liked them.  She said, "now what are these called?"  I answered, "Slippers!"   "No" she said shaking her head.  I finally figured out what she was thinking (that in itself could be the scariest event of the year).  I said, "Moccasins?". She nodded.... They did have a nice rubber sole, fleece lining and were made of suede with a bow made from a  shoe lace.  Sometimes that glimmer of "recognition" (and hope) shines brightly.  Bailee is pretty intimidated by the attention from Mom's neighbors so we put her in charge of photography to take her mind off the glares and comments.  One gal did ask how old "HE" was.... Bailee, with her famous stance of hands on hip and head cocked and scowly, powly face, let her know, in no uncertain terms, "I AM NOT a boy! After a few minutes, Mom once again picked up the stocking announcing, "this is just like Christmas"......("Yep, it is Mom":-) and proceeded to look at each item and ask "What's this for?".... I smiled at Jess and whispered, "It's Groundhog Day." 

Our visit was short and sweet and probably forgotten within seconds of our departure but we'll soon be back for next week's visit. She's happy, content and we couldn't wish for more to end 2010.  Nobody knows what 2011 will bring but we'll handle it the best we can.  Every day is gift so we'll open it with pleasure even if we sometimes say, "what's this for and how will we use it!!"

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