Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Lunch w/ the "Girls"

  • Today we're getting back to a tradition that is one of my favorites.  For years, the girls would get together at Carousel Mall, do a little shopping, a little drinking, a lot of talking and a bit of eating!  For the past few years, due to the busy season, some illness, the crazy NY weather and other bumps in the road, we haven't gathered.. TODAY WE"RE BACK!!!  We're meeting in Cortland..just a short hop, skip and a jump for all of us.  Sounds like maybe the men may even join us later in the day....I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.. we need to rush less, enjoy more and spend time w/ the people that make us happy!!!  Today's the day!

  • See you all later.. Time to hit the "Brix" :-)

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