Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Vote...it counts

Today is school board and budget voting day.  While immigrants are flooding our borders, money is being funneled to other countries, welfare is rampant and politicians are greedier than ever, our schools are dying. Today is one of the only days that we can make a difference....albeit only a tiny difference, a difference nonetheless!  Board members serve selflessly (usually) and for nothing but the small "feel good" surge that finds it's way through them when someone thanks them, a team surges to victory, parents get involved and kids achieve even the smallest modicum of success.  This year, as in many of the past, our small districts are fighting the government, the onset of Common Core, bogus mandates and requirements that come from people who "know not" of what they decree and the looming burden of it getting worse and not better.  So much is asked of us as parents, grandparents and taxpayers but let us not forget what is asked of our educators....whether it be in the classroom or the front offices.  We're now in the position of trying to make a silk purse from a sow's ear..... (well that just dated me!)  Our kids deserve a quality education in a safe environment.  It's our job to provide that.  Today we can help....we can make the stop at school and pull the lever for yes.....it's a huge start. By now, you should have learned a little about your neighbors who have stepped up to volunteer to keep our schools afloat. Some may not have a business or educational background but they have compassion and common sense....two things that are sorely absent from upper level politics.
Please take a moment today to give our kids and grandkids a fighting chance.  If we don't speak up for them, I can pretty much guarantee that nobody else will!!  We can make a difference...trite but true!

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